近日,动物医学学院柳巨雄教授课题组在肠道健康研究领域又有新发现。他们证实,丁酸能够抑制腹腔巨噬细胞炎性细胞因子的分泌,从而有效改善实验性结肠炎动物模型的肠道屏障功能和局部炎症反应。研究文章《Sodium Butyrate Inhibits Inflammation and Maintains Epithelium Barrier Integrity in a TNBS-induced Inflammatory Bowel Disease Mice Model》被《EBioMedicine》杂志接收发表。该杂志是由医学顶尖期刊《The Lancet》和《Cell》联合支持的开源期刊,分类属医学一区杂志。旨在促进基础医学向临床医学的转化。
该研究受到国家自然科学基金(31572479, 31702211, 31602020)和吉林大学研究生创新基金(2017168)的资助。主要完成者为陈广信博士,这已经是其在柳巨雄教授和王玮副教授指导下完成的第四篇SCI文章。
Researchers discovered targeting GPR109A anti-inflammatory and pro-intestinal epithelium barrier functions is a new strategy for IBD treatment
In an exciting discovery, researchers of Animal physiology department in College of Animal Veterinary Medicine find that inhibition of macrophages with sodium butyrate by targeting GPR109A have a protective effect on experimental colitis. their research paper was accepted by 《EBioMedicine》,which was published in collaboration with CellPress and LANCET.
Researchers assessed the anti-inflammatory activity of sodium butyrate (SB) on 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis mice, an experimental model that resembles Crohn’s disease, and explored the potential mechanism of SB in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). SB significantly ameliorated the inflammatory response and intestinal epithelium barrier dysfunction in TNBS-induced WT mice, but failed to provide a protective effect in TNBS-induced GPR109a−/− mice. They also demonstrated that inhibiting release of Inflammatory cytokines from macrophages by sodium butyrate will attenuate intestinal epithelium barrier dysfunction and reduce colon inflammation.
These findings therefore extend the understanding of GPR109A receptor function and sodium butyrate on intestinal health, they also provide a new theoretical basis for treatment of IBD.
This study was supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China (31572479, 31702211, 31602020) and Graduate Innovation Fund of Jilin University (2017168).